Friday, July 10, 2015

The Confederate Flag......

Okay, I am going to share a rant that I posted on a friend's timeline....and if I lose friends for my rant...well, that's your opinion, just as I'm entitled to mine (and please "DO NOT turn this post into a warzone)'s about the removal of the Confederate flag on the capital of South Carolina..
I think it's utter and complete ridiculousness! And now I've heard that somewhere in Tennessee, they want to exhume the bodies of a confederate general and his wife and move them o...ut of the county and I think take down a statue of him because he was a slave owner or something like that.....the Civil War was over 150+ years ago....Yes, blacks were enslaved at that time, they were treated horribly, but it is in the can't change it!!!!
Also, many white people that came over from Europe as indentured servants were sometimes not treated any better than slaves.....Was it a dark time in the history of American, can't change what our ancestors did.....
it's as ridiculous as Ben Afflack wanting to hide the fact that some of his ancestors were slave owners....if you're a fan of his, will it stop you from going to go and see his movies?.....
YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE PAST.....and also let's remember, there is good and bad in EVERY race!!!!
seriously people, there are more important things to be worrying about if the confederate flag offends you.....yes it was a representation of the confederate army during the Civil War...I get it (why not modify it?)...but taking down and removing a state flag is not going to end the killings of both blacks and whites...
it is not going to stop the hate and ignorance of white is not going to stop the is not going to stop the killing of innocent people....of EVERY color.....look at that poor woman in San Francisco shot and killed by an illegal and he's pleading not guilty because it was an 'accident'....and the gun he used to kill her had belonged to a federal agent!!! Take a look at that!!!!!
there is so much hate in this world that taking down one flag is not going to stop it....I think they need to be focusing on other issues; homeless veterans, the rich getting richer, education, I could go on and on...but I won't....
I think American and the world need to focus on positive changes and if you see the removal of the flag as a positive, that's fine....I am FAR from prejudice of any race, but it we all treat each other with a little kindness and love then mabye things might change a little...
okay, rant done

Monday, July 6, 2015

Great Things To Come????

Great Things To Come????

So I got a text from my cousin yesterday and she has a friend who is a reporter/writer for an online magazine....they got to talking about me and my cousin knows of my dreams of being a published author.....
Well, let's just say, I'm hoping that this great possibility will lead to great things!!!
I don't want to say too much right now, but my hopes of being published might be coming true....I promise to keep you all I said, I don't want to say too much, but just know that I am SUPER excited about this possible opportunity!!!!

Update 5/18/16.................
Well, this didn't pan out, but it doesn't mean I'm going to give up...going to keep on trucking with my writing so we'll see................

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Smart Girls Read Romance: MY DEAREST LITERARY COMPANIONS – LAURA, DAPHNE, J...: By: Ashley Kath-Bilsky For me, a good book always has a way of taking me on a wonderful journey where compelling characters come to life...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why? Why? Why?.....

Dateline: June 20, 2013........

Well my friends, as I was looking over my lonely little blog here, I realize that I am not doing a very good job on keeping up with it! I really suck! LOL!!

So as I am sitting here realizing that, then my mind begins to wander about the world we live in.....and the world I live in......

It amazes me some of the things that happen in this world...and I ask myself, why?

......take for instance Kim and Kanye naming their little girl North West! Seriously?! I truly feel bad for that they realize the impact that it will have on that little girl? How people will make fun of her name? I won't make fun of it, I just think it is a ridiculous name! Just because you are famous for whatever reason, don't name your child something so asinine that you know damn well you will profit from........

......if you want to go on a pirate expedition, go to Somalia! Good grief! Here's the link....  now if you know me, you know that I love anything to do with pirates...especially Mr. Johnny Depp...does that mean I want to go to Somalia? Hell no!! Isn't Somalia a dangerous place to go? 

.......pain in the butt drivers....I'm driving the speed limit or a little above and yet, you continuously ride my you feel that's necessary? Then you pass me and speed up, only to get caught by a red light.....why do you feel you need to do that...does it make you feel big? I just don't get and point....there was one day when I was driving on a regular two lane road, minding my business and driving like a normal person would be doing and this idiot sped around me and passed me just to get ahead two blocks to turn!!! Oh how I wish I were a cop!!!

.......why can't New Zealand be closer so I can hug my best friend (Patty,  and go have sushi with her and hang out and be silly!!......

......why do I have to pay as much for gas as I do for a gallon of freakin' milk??? I live in the Dairy state!!!! why?????......

........I could go on and on and on.....but I won't......instead I will focus on the positive things that I know I can......

......getting my lazy ass in gear and WRITE!!!! I know I keep saying it, but this year, I swear on a stack of Bibles, is the time to change...I sure as heck ain't getting any younger and the books won't write themselves!....get off my lazy ass and work on my genealogy....Lord knows I won't be around forever! LOL!....

......have a fabulous summer! Stay safe!....

....signing very behind writer.....


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Okay, need to focus....

In regards to my previous post....I am NOT awake, lol...I looked at the title and realized the mistake I made on the title of the is almost MARCH!! Not February....proceed with your day.....

January....Almost over already!!! Yikes!

Well, another month is nearly over......

Have I accomplished anything this month? The truthful answer.....not really....:-(....

I have however completed, or come close to completing lists of things that I need to do!

*WRITE!!! I have written on and off over the month of January, but not as much as I would've liked.....Starting today, even though the month isn't over, focus on writing a little bit EVERY DAY! Even if it is just a paragraph! I won't get published if I don't write!

*Exercise-made my workout plan, and I will stick with it!

*Genealogy-On this subject, I did make some great breakthroughs this month which makes me really happy!! Now I need to get that information inputed to the tree and clean up all of my notes...I have too many little notes on little pieces of paper!

*Focus on ME! I spend so much time taking care of others and not always take enough time to focus on myself! I think too many of us have a bad habit of this! While we can still take care of others, we also need to focus on ourselves! Take the time to breath, take the time to enjoy, and take time for yourself!!!!

Here is a quote that I've come across in the past week and LOVE it!

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take the time to enjoy the day and life!
Michelle.....aspiring writer and forever reader..............

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


As we are now two weeks into this new year of 2012....I have so many thoughts that I am pondering.....wondering what this new year will bring.  Yes, I've posted my 2012 goals....I look at them every day and wonder if I will accomplish them....

I have been very inspired to write lately, and I know I NEED to write....if I don't write, I won't get times it seems like a very daunting task and other days, it seems like a piece of cake...I wish that I didn't worry about so many other things...I know I can lose myself in my writing as that is truly what I aspire to do....

I think of all of the things I wish to happen in this year.  One wish that I know will come true is the completion of our has been a long arduant task, but I am very proud that we did it.  It saved our house...probably saved our sanity, if it didn't at some times.....finishing that will let me heave one big sigh of relief.....

Back to the writing...I have decided to focus on two manuscripts this year...and of course I know I will probably have a million and one more ideas that pop up in my little pea brain...they usually do...those I will tuck away for the future.....

One thing that I've learned over the past few years is that you can't always control things....yes, you can have control over your future, your dreams and your wishes....but take each day as it comes....don't stress over things that you TRULY do not have control over....

Until next time....